Synopsis :
Following the defeat of Barry Allen's arch-nemesis Eobard Thawne (aka Reverse Flash), Team Flash quickly turned their attention to the singularity swirling high above Central City, which fans last saw consuming everything in its path. Armed with the heart of a hero and the ability to move at super speeds, Barry charged into the eye of the singularity, but will he actually be able to save his city from impending doom?
Synopsis source : wiki
So this season is in conjunction with Arrow season 4.. :D
This season is entertaining as there are new characters in the series. There are no more Thawne aka Reverse Flash, but Barry have new nemesis called Zoom.. This season have unexpected twist and turns. I just love this series...
It just fun to see the Doppelganger of each character in another Earth LOL.. Anyway, this series have an amazing storyline and I just can't wait to see the next season.. I just love seeing Cisco arguing with Wells *ahem spoiler here* They are like old married couples.. I just hope to see him more in the next season..
You go Barry!! With that I rate this season 5 out of 5... :D
The Flash Season 1 - click here for review