Merlin must continue in his destiny to protect Camelot and the young Prince Arthur using his special gift: magic. However, King Uther has banned the practice of sorcery and Merlin must keep his talents secret on pain of death.
As many dangers threaten the mythic city, Arthur, with Merlin at his side, must show great courage and skill in order to defend the kingdom.
Gaius, the court physician, continues to provide Merlin with help and guidance. Gwen is, as ever, a stalwart friend to Merlin, helping where she can in his adventures with Arthur.
Morgana, the king's ward, is increasingly troubled by her dreams. Meanwhile the Great Dragon remains beneath the castle, paying close attention to the adventures of our young wizard. Lancelot returns.

Yay done it!! As I promise before.. So here is the review on the merlin Season 2.
Ok what can I say about this one, it more hilarious and many character development. For example, the development between Arthur and Gwen. They have develop a forbidden love. So romantic and Merlin keep teasing about their relationship. Morgana also had changed she becoming more and more secretive and becoming a.. what should I say evil? But honestly I think she becoming like that is because the environment. If Merlin had assist her and teach her she would not be a person that she had become right now. :( .. So far what I can say that I just love the character development here because each character had been develop and change for good or better.
However some episode a bit rushed and too fast. I can't enjoy the
moment and the cuteness.. Haha.. So overall.. This story yet another hilarious and sad series.. Recommended!! So in this season I give it 5 out of 5....
*This episode is so funny xD*
trailer source : click here
Merlin Season 1 Review - Click here
Merlin Season 2 Review - Click here
Merlin Season 3 Review - Click here
Merlin Season 4 Review - Click here
Merlin Season 5 Review - Click here
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